Explore the work and connections of our featured
environmental storytellers below.
These learning guides provide a brief overview of the storytellers’ work and the environmental issues they are grappling with. Inside you will find discussion questions, activity prompts, and more for learners of all ages.
Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah: Dystopian Fiction & the Carceral System
Explore how National Book Award Finalist Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah draws upon and criticizes real-world systems within his own fiction.
Dena Seidel: Science Communication, Filmmaking and Food Systems
Learn how filmmaker Dena Seidel creates collaborative science stories that explore the complex systems around us.
Juan Felipe Herrera: Latiné environmentalism & the Chicano/a Literary Movement
Learn more about Poet Laureate Emeritus Juan Felipe Herrera , Latiné environmentalism, and the Chicano/a Literary Movement
Susannah Sayler & Edward Morris: Ecologies of Place
Learn how the collaborative duo Sayler/Morris work with a variety of media including photography, video, writing and installation to deepen engagement with natural and social ecologies.
Ahmed Badr & Ruth Miller: Narrative Sovereignty
Learn how artists Ahmed Badr and Ruth Łchavaya K’isen Miller (Curyung Tribe of Dillingham) use poetry, music, and visual art to demonstrate and advocate for narrative sovereignty in the pursuit of environmental justice.
George Lakey: Nonviolent Action & Climate Justice
Learn more about how activist and author George Lakey uses oral storytelling to create nonviolent forms of resistance.
SeQuoia Kemp: Reproductive and Environmental Justice
Learn more about how community educator and birthworker SeQuoia Kemp addresses reproductive justice issues in Syracuse’s maternal toxic zones.
Jason Corwin: Indigenous Land Rights & Responsibilities
Learn more about how Dr. Jason Corwin uses documentary filmmaking to examine our most pressing environmental crises.
Vievee Francis: Ecopoetry & Environmental Hauntings
Learn more about how Vievee Francis uses poetry to examine the haunted landscapes within and around us.
Series Partners and Collaborators
The series draws Syracuse and Central New York K-12 students and residents into the collective project through interconnected arts, humanities, community inquiry, and STEM programs. Participating community-based organizations include: ESF in the High School; InterFaith Work’s Seeds of Peace at Corcoran, Henninger, Institute of Technology Central, Nottingham, and Public Service Learning Academy @ Fowler High Schools; La Casita Cultural Center; Mercy Works; North Side Learning Center; Sankofa Reproductive Health and Healing Center; Skä•noñh Great Law of Peace Center; Syracuse City Parks and Recreation; Syracuse Museum of Science and Technology (MOST); and YWCA of Onondaga County.